Friday, March 4, 2011


For a couple of years, Abby has been getting migraine headaches. Well I took her to the Eye Dr. yestrday and she is a tiny bit near sighted. (is that the one that means she needs glasses to see when she reads?) well anyway she is going to have glasses. She picked out some really cute pink ones. Pink surprised me. Her favorite color is purple. They had all kinds of purple glasses. They had ones with hearts, and stars, and diamons. So So many designs I thought for sure she would get purple with hearts. Well anyway, she tried on about 15 pair and kept coming back to the ones that are plain pink. They are cute. She is so excited to get them. She keeps asking when they will be in. Today we had to write on the calander the day they are supposed to come in. We will see how she does when they arrive. She only has to wear them when she is reading or doing homework.


kkupfer said...

I think I need glasses too!