Saturday, March 12, 2011

flip flops

Today it is sunny. And its going to be warm. Well like 50. I broke out the flip flops. I painted my toe nails. I love flip flops. I love that the sun is shinning. Starting tomorrow at work flip flops are buy 1 get 1 half off. I am excited. Abby and Maggie and I were in Walgreens on Thursday and you should have heard Maggie scream with exciment over Strawberry Shortcake flip flops. Guess what Maggie is getting for Easter? Yep Strawberry Shortcake flip flops. They even have cuter flip flops this year for me.


kkupfer said...

I know, I am so excited to be going out side, we are getting our back yard cleaned up! So happy

Andrea Penman said...

you should get the Katy Perry shatter nail polish. It works with any other polish, you paint your desired polish then put the shatter on top, Mine is black, then it shatters when it dries and you see both colors. It's awesome. They have other colors than black, but that's what I got. It's really cool. Just don't use dark colors like purple or dark red etc, looks like you smudged.